Following on from our last article, here are some more highlights of our most memorable success stories of the year and the value of Financial Advice.
$76,000 Premium Refund and the $3,000,000 Benefit
Knowing our clients, is what we do. But just as important is having the experience and technical knowledge to maximise the benefits of the products we use.
I spoke with a new client who was on long-term claim for Income Protection and was about to cancel his Life Insurance policy as the premium had reached $28,000p.a.
Upon further investigation, I found he had a Premium Waiver option on his Life Insurance policy that his previous Adviser didn’t understand.
We contacted the Insurer and requested a premium refund for the premium paid over the last 3 years and $76,000 was refunded.
The client will never pay the premium on his Life Insurance again and will ensure a $3,000,000 plus to his Estate, hopefully in the long-distance future!
Adviser: Daniel Brown
It’s all about the Connection – We truly care
As a Team – we always work to our clients’ agenda. It is important to us to build an honest and genuine connection and help our clients feel comfortable. Earlier this year I met with a lady who did not have a great working relationship with her previous Adviser and as a result was wary of trusting her instincts in finding someone new to assist her.
Our initial meeting was face-to-face in an environment she was comfortable with. I understood her concerns, so I spent a majority of this meeting just listening to her talk about her situation, her story so far and her concerns – something her previous Adviser never did.
I am grateful to say that we have built a strong connection and my client can trust that I will do what I say and knows that I care about her welfare and helping her with whatever she needs.
Of course, we completed our due diligence and it resulted in saving product fees but that isn’t why she is happy or made the decision to proceed with our Advice.
It was the connection which we formed and sense of comfort in knowing we will only do what is in her best interest and what will help her to achieve her goals that changed her mind. My client feels valued and knows we will always have time for her – no matter the question.
That’s why I do this job.
Adviser: Kristy Coulin
Utilise Assets to Create your Ideal Lifestyle
A young family that I worked with had relocated from Sydney to the Central Coast. They attended an initial meeting in our Erina office seeking options to improve their cashflow.
They had two properties in Sydney, and we investigated the Capital Gains Tax (CGT) position in the event of a sale of one or both properties. Based on our calculations we developed a strategy with them that ensured they would pay no CGT after they sold one of the units for a capital gain of approximately $200,000.
They have invested the money in an investment fund until they are ready to purchase a new home on the Central Coast. This reached their goal of freeing up some cashflow to enjoy their current lifestyle, continue their education and have the freedom to spend time with their young family instead of worrying about loan repayments.
At the end of the day assets are accumulated to produce income and the clients were able to utilise these to help them achieve their lifestyle goals.
Adviser: Jason Brown
Does your Will Represent the Desired Outcome?
I recently met with a family to assist them with Aged Care advice – which generally leads into checking the Estate Planning position.
The Will was drafted leaving two children with the home and the third child with a small bank balance as she had already been provided for by the parents who helped her with the partial purchase of her home.
However, the parents’ home needed to be sold to fund their aged care fees. Upon their death, this would mean that the lump sum entry fees of $500,000 would be refunded to their bank account. As the Will stated that one child gets the bank account, and the other two get the family home, this would mean that the two children have technically lost any inheritance.
Thankfully the parents were of sound mind and able to change their Will to correct the outcome.
A quick check of Estate Planning documents can save a family from Estate settlement issues and spending thousands with Legal professionals.
Adviser: Rosie Copp
Together we’ll create a clear plan to achieve your financial future.
Take the first step and book an initial consultation with our highly experienced team of specialist financial advisers that are able to service you at our office locations in The Junction, Erina, Terrigal and Sydney CBD.
Read Part 1 of this series here.
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